Parish Council Meets, Names Committees

At its January 21 meeting, the Parish Council named various committees, in an effort to better serve our parishioners. These committees are: Stewardship, Technology, Hall Management, Youth, Protocol, and OIKOS, to name a few. The Stewardship Committee engages parishioners in the support of the ministries of the parish. It also plans two luncheons a year: one on Stewardship Sunday (in the fall) and one on Godparents Sunday (the Sunday before Palm Sunday. This year, Godparents Sunday will take place on March 18). The technology committee oversees the Cathedral’s technology program, from equipment to programs, from hardware to software. The Hall Management Committee oversees the hall use, its rental and management. (Currently, the committee is investigating replacement of the acoustical wall/partion between the Kytherian Room and the Gym.) The Youth Committee involves itself with all aspects of youth work, from JOY, GOYA, and Young Adults, and various activities and ministries, from basketball, to Sunday School, Greek School and dance. Protocol has to do with staffing the pangari, ushering, and church decorum. Finally, OIKOS offers ongoing lectures and adult education (see above).

The above committees are staffed, as follows: Technology: Nick Rally, Deno Konstantinidis; Hall Management: Dean Nicolacakis, George Gavros, Philip Athanasiades, Pat Aleck, Paul Sogotis; Youth: Tom Nuris, Manoli Nuris, Chris Ramos, GOYA Advisor, Dance Group Rep.; Protocol: Paul Sogotis, Nick Kontonis, Peter Manetas, Mike Bagatelos, Despina Kokalis; and OIKOS: Dr. Katina Kostoulas, Dr. Tony Elite. A most important committee is the Stewardship Committee. Named to the Stewardship Committee are: Nick Svetcoff, Paul Sogotis, Dean Nicolacakis, and Chris Kyriacou. However, in order for this committee to be able to do its work, a few more volunteers from our parish family are needed. We note the great work and leadership of Gus Vouchilas, who served as Stewardship Chair for a number of years. However, Gus stepped down in order to better care for his mother. In addition to a few more members, we need a chairman, who will be able to convene meetings and lead the group. This is, perhaps the most vital committee of all, if we are to grow our parish. We invite you to give this prayerful thought and to speak with Chris Kyriacou or Father Stephen about your willingness to serve.